Thursday, September 24, 2009

Less Clutter. Less Noise.

I just finished reading Kem Meyer's book "Less Clutter. Less Noise." I would suggest that if your job has anything to do with communications that you go out and buy this book. There is a lot of practical wisdom in her solutions and principles. Here are some of the things that I took note of.

Good communication is not so much about sending the right message as it is releasing the right response.
Advertising doesn't create interest, at best, it creates awareness.
What people want is a promise they can trust, consistency, something worth telling their friends about-an experience.
Instead of investing efforts in promotions to get attention, we should be getting attention with what happens when people show up.
To attract is to cause to approach or adhere.
Clarity is the new creativity.
Take the time to learn what's effectively gaining credibility with people in today's culture.
The secret is for churches and other organizations to narrow their focus and reach fewer people more times.
Let people color outside the lines. You might just learn something.
Spend lots of time getting to know the people your trying to reach.
Identify the distraction and eliminate it.
Each communication piece is a valuable tool with the opportunity to unify all communications or dilute them.
People leave with the "actual" experience, and that's what they talk about.
Simplify the problem. Don't complicate the solution.
Everybody should find at least two image consultants in the workplace: one who helps process your effect on the individuals and another who helps process your effect on the crowd.

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