Friday, November 16, 2007

The Big Idea

What an encouragement to churches that need help getting it right. The Big Idea by Dave Ferguson has many great points. Here are some of my favorite:

1. Focus less on information and more on action.
2. Celebrate. Connect. Contribute.
3. Velocity without mass is motion without the ability to have an impact. You need to have both speed and direction in order to have missional velocity.
4. Part 3 - Planning one year in advance.
5. Connection > Coordination > Cooperation > Collaboration.
6. Surrounding yourself with capable people breeds healthy competition.
7. Lead with a yes.
8. You can do it!

If you are involved in church in any capacity, you need to read this book. It will help you bring focus to the message and multiply the impact.

One thing I would stress more is including the creative talent sooner in the process (graphic designer, videographer, web designer, communications director, and the like).