Friday, March 20, 2009

Making Vision Stick by Andy Stankey

Andy Stanley is an author, speaker, and the founding and senior pastor of North Point Community Church in Atlanta, Georgia.  His book, "Making Vision Stick", is very short but to the point.  Andy Stanley gives firsthand examples of why vision doesn't stick and then explains how you can succeed in making your vision stick in the hearts and minds of those you lead.  Here are some points that stood out.

•  vision doesn't stick without constant care and attention
•  the most important thing to remember - You are responsible.
•  clarify or simplify - it must be memorable
•  define the problem, determine a solution, and discover a compelling reason why now is the time to act
•  build vision casting into the rhythm of your organization
•  celebrate the wins
•  living out the vision establishes credibility and makes you a leader worth following
•  passion comes and goes, but commitment never wanes
•  Think steps, not programs
•  Pay the price.  Embrace the vision.  And do whatever it takes to make your vision stick!

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