Wednesday, January 30, 2008, The Fastest Way to Find New Customers

The fastest way to get the cash registers ringing is a method that involves forming “host-beneficiary” relationships with established businesses that cater to a target audience similar to yours.

Then you promote yourself to their database with a special offer presented as a gift from the older business.

Example: A store gave a free kimono to every female customer of a local BMW dealership that brought in a letter sent by the dealership offering the gown as a gift for past patronage. The kimono had to be picked up at the boutique.

Results: 600 women picked up kimonos. The boutique spent $16 each totaling $9,600. The women spent an average of $400 when they visited equaling $240,000.

6 Steps to Success
1. Precisely define your target audience.
2. Identify local businesses that serve the same market segments.
3. Develop a clear offer for each prospective partner.
4. Pitch the plan, highlighting the benefits to the host business.
5. Supply a letter for the host’s use.
6. Develop a strategy to convert redeemers to repeat customers.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Soul Cravings

One of my goals for this year is to read at least 12 books. I know for some, this might seem like a small goal, but for me this will be a struggle. I am not one for reading; however, I live my life trying to get 1% better everyday. I think by accomplishing this goal, it will be just one step in continuing to get better.

I just completed my first book this year, SoulCravings by Erwin McManus. He is the “lead pastor and Cultural Architect of Mosaic in Los Angeles.” This book is subtitled, “An Exploration of The Human Spirit” and it does just that. The book covers intimacy, destiny, and meaning. Below are things that stuck out to me as I was reading and I thought I would share.

We are driven by love, driven to love, and even driven from love.

We are most alive when we passionately pursue our dreams, live with purpose, and have a sense of destiny.

We may not be able to accomplish everything we can dream, but we will not accomplish anything without dreams.

Whatever we conclude is true comes to us through a process that is informed both by our experiences and by our perceptions.

Our search for truth is deeply personal.

Truth is about trust.

You are on a journey of the human spirit.

Your soul craves to connect, to commune, to create.

The one matters to God.

Friday, January 25, 2008, A Niche to Grow

You’ll rarely see a company that’s risen to the top using a shotgun approach.

Failure to isolate the most-qualified niche can waste marketing funds, time and energy.

3 steps to expand into a new niche:
1. Sharpen Your Focus
Divide current customer base into groups with similar characteristics.
2. Fill A Need
Focus on the customer you want to reach. Who has an identified need for what you market? It’s easier to fill a need than to create one. Evaluate offers made by competitors. Provide product or service that are unavailable.
3. Keep Cost Down

Growth comes from taking measured risks that start with an assessment of your best potential customers and their needs. And you’ll succeed by making valuable offers to carefully targeted, qualified prospects who are prepared to buy.

Church, are you with me on this? Know the community your in and do whatever it takes to see them come to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Below are some notes from an article on I believe that the church can learn a lot from the corporate world.

Those companies that break through the ceiling of growth have to challenge the status quo and innovate continuously. If your church has come to a plateau in growth, search for areas where you can be innovative such as the way your church offers Communion or Baptisms. Fresh ideas will bring in new faces.

They must also be good at finding waste and elimination it – whether it’s in terms of finances, production, time or materials. Check on the way your church purchases office supplies. Most ministries have their own budget to purchase these items, but what if you consolidated? Have someone purchase supplies for the whole organization rather than individual ministries. Buying in bulk could save some money in the long term.

You can’t have steps that don’t add value. Eliminate unnecessary meetings, forms, etc. Are there things in the worship service that don’t reinforce the central message?

It’s making sure you have as lean an organization as you possibly can, both in people you have and in the steps they take to deliver the service. The goal is to become a well-oiled machine.

The typical scenario is to focus on product, sales cycle and people (in that order), but the companies that win are the ones that spend more time hiring the right people. The right staff will buy into the philosophy and take ownership of their ministries.

The Big Idea, Donny Deutsch - CNBC

I started watching this tv show and thought I would share my notes.

Ivanka Trump: Get The Upper Hand
Know when your strategy doesn’t work and let someone else do it.
Use perceived weakness to your advantage
Negotiation goes on before people open their mouths – First Impressions
How you dress, posture, hygiene
Pay attention to details
Sometimes you need to make people feel uncomfortable

Ryan Blair: They Said I’d Never Make It
Having a mentor is vital
If you lose it all, your still the same person
How can I contribute more today?
Self assessment – Know your weakness and surround yourseld with people who will help in those areas
Be a student everyday
Don’t listen to advise unless the people giving it are qualified – People who have done it, lived it then listen keenly

Leslie Mayer: Millionaire Secrets
Live from the inside out – Know what your good at and build your company around that.
Focus on the promise, not the prize – What are you giving your customers?
Know when to get out of the way.
Build a culture that supports your story.
Stay current – Keep learning.